Healthy Puffed Krispies

Healthy Puffed Krispies

By: The Jaroudi Family

Serves 6



3 cups puffed cereal (we used Kamut) (53 g)

¾ cup powdered nut butter (95 g) mixed with 9 Tbsp water

¼ cup blackstrap molasses (50 g)

2 tsp – 2 Tbsp Ceylon cinnamon

½ tsp vanilla extract



1.)  In a medium bowl add all the ingredients and gently stir to combine.

2.)  Pour the coated puffed cereal into an 8x8 pan. Using a piece of parchment paper gently push the puffed krispies into an even layer.

3.)  *Chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour before enjoying.



*Leaving the puffed krispies in the refrigerator for an extended time will let them set up.

*You also can freeze them or pop them into the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes for a crispy refresh.

Download our Healthy Puffed Krispies recipe PDF.

Be sure to send us a photo if you try out the recipe.

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Products we mentioned:

Kamut Puffed Cereal

Powdered Cashew Butter

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